Maneki Casino: About Us

January 18, 2025
6 mins read
Jan B. Author: Jan B.
Sebastian Reviewed by: Sebastian

Founded in 2018, Maneki Casino quickly established itself as a serious player in the casino industry. After operating as an online casino for several years, in 2024, we decided to transition into an affiliate site. With the experience our team has accumulated over time and its dedication to safe, high-quality gambling, this shift allows us to assist players in a completely new way, guiding them toward the right casinos.

As a casino, we served over a thousand daily players from New Zealand and beyond. With 6 years of experience in the New Zealand market, we feel confident in providing fully localised recommendations, reviews, and informative articles to share our industry knowledge with Kiwi players.

Our Team

Our team consists of skilled engineers, programmers, writers, editors, and managers, all of whom are experts in the online casino space. We boast professional knowledge of casino platforms, the best bonuses in the industry, casino games,  software providers, payment methods, and more. You can rest assured that our team works around the clock to bring you the best tips and strategies to maximise your enjoyment of online gaming.

Our Mission

We aim to become a one-stop shop for all types of gaming enthusiasts to receive reliable and useful information to further their education in the casino industry. As a casino operator, and now as an affiliate site, our main objective is the same: serve Kiwi players in the best way possible.

Why It’s Important to Know the Facts

We know that the internet is a vast place that can sometimes confuse new casino players who just want a medium where they can have fun and maybe win some money. It’s easy to become disoriented and end up on untrustworthy and badly optimised websites. Still, if you are well-informed, you can stay away from unreliable platforms and protect your personal and financial data.

Becoming an affiliate was a chance for us to give back to the community that has been so supportive of our casino. We continually strive to improve our content, giving you factual information and advising you on how to pick casinos that won’t take advantage of you. You can see our list of the best online casinos in New Zealand here.

Our purpose is to inform you about the best and worst platforms and ensure you choose an option that is the best for your individual needs. As long as we keep on providing you with reliable, relevant, and safe information, we are happy.

Our time prioritises transparency and honesty. Even if a casino doesn’t like what we have to say, we never delete the information we provide, remaining as transparent as possible. For us, the most important thing is for gamblers to make the best decision based on real facts — not false advertising.

How We Help Players in New Zealand

  • Valuable Information on Strategies

Since we operated our own casino until recently, we know the mechanics behind these platforms and can advise you on the best tactics to use. Leave it to us to give you an insight into their game offerings, bonus structure, and marketing strategies so you can come up with the best plan to become a successful casino player.

  • Understanding Casino Structures

Thanks to the years we spent perfecting our platform, we recognise the inner workings of the online casino landscape better than anyone. We strive to offer as many details as possible, surpassing other affiliate sites and aiming for the top.

  • User Feedback

Here at Maneki, we value the voice of the players. Whether they have something positive or negative to say, we want to hear it all. Users are the most qualified to talk about how good or bad a certain casino is because they’ve had the closest experience with the website. Our team incorporates feedback and reviews from real players, offering a more authentic perspective.

  • Long History of Trust

We’ve provided services and tips to countless players, building trust and establishing ourselves as a credible source. Our positive track record demonstrates that we stop at nothing to help casino players in need.

  • Insights Backed by Data

Before we offer tips or provide details on any casino, game RTPs, security measures, or payout percentages, we check the facts. As such, all our insights are backed by accurate, up-to-date data.

Our Core Values

Our objective is to be at the top of the ladder in the online gaming industry. We are motivated by our desire to help more players toward the field’s safest and most popular online casinos, ensuring they enjoy the fair treatment and rewards that come with making informed decisions. Our experts work hard to meet all of your expectations while staying honest, impartial, and transparent.

In everything we do, we adhere to our core values that have defined us from the day we established our company:

  • Safety
  • Transparency
  • Quality
  • Trustworthiness
  • Fairness

A Focus on Fair and Safe Play

Maneki Casino has been on the front lines of the casino industry for 6 years now, which has given us plenty of time to see how the industry works. We always perform a careful analysis of every online casino we come across, because we know that not everyone follows the same values that we do.

That’s why we push for fair and safe play. For us, it’s essential for gamblers to feel safe on any platform so they can focus on the experience rather than worry about the safety of their personal information or funds. But this is not enough – we also value fairness and make sure each casino treats players the same. We make sure to flag fraudulent casinos and guide our readers away from these establishments that give the whole industry a bad name.

With Maneki Casino, you can rest assured that you can focus on the pastime you love—without these unnecessary distractions.

Jan B.
Jan B.
15 articles
Janilla on vankka kokemus kasinoalalta, joka juontaa juurensa teini-iän pelisessioista lähikaupan pelikoneilla. Kiinnostus kasvoi ajan myötä ja muuttui uraksi, kun nettikasinot alkoivat vallata selaimia Suomessakin. Nykyään hän on kasinoalan ammattilainen, joka jakaa monen vuoden kokemustaan ja intohimoaan parantaakseen muiden voittomahdollisuuksia. Jan tarjoaa lukijoilleen kattavia oppaita pöytäpeleistä vedonlyöntiin sekä lakimuutoksista kryptokasinoihin, mutta lähimpänä sydäntä ovat aina nuo samat vanhat kolikkopelit.